Haven't updated in awhile, because not a lot going on. Just waiting on colder weather...so I thought I would do the 25 Random Things that have been going around Facebook and Blogs.
1. I can't sleep with any noise or light
2. I set my alarm for 6 am, and usually don't get up until 640 (drives N nuts)
3. I don't think my sister, Les and I look alike; even though everyone else does!
4. I wish I had known my Grandpas
5. My 6th great grandfather wrote the music to Silent Night ( I remind N of it every Christmas)
6. I have a slight obesession with Faith Hill
7. My mother has passed her love of bling on to me and my sisters....
8. I used to "play" clarinet
9. I was in the Flag line in HS and went to the Rose Bowl
10. I still talk to some of my middle school friends
11. Top Gun is my favorite movie
12. Purple is my favorite color, and my Gma always sends me purple cards
13. I love that my kids have grandparents galore that love them
14. In 15 days, I will have been married for 10 years
15. I love desserts...too much sometimes
16. My daughter looks like me, but my son has my temperment
17. I don't think I could have lasted being a stay at home mom, my part time job is perfect
18. I want to travel the world some day; France, Germany, Italy, Australia
19. My dream job would be Faith Hill's assistant or a Supreme Court Judge (extreme difference, no?)
20. It drives me nuts when people call me Susan or tell me how tall I am
21. I want a weiner dog, but N says no...boo
22. I once left nail polish remover on the coffee table and it melted the finish and I blamed it on my sister....sorry Les. Mom it was me
23. I played an April Fools Day joke on my Mom that I had been in a bike accident, she didn't find it amusing...
24. One time when we were serving dinner to homeless people in AZ, they had to drag me away, I didn't want to stop, I felt so sorry for them
25. I love old men....the way they look, walk....I think it's so cute!
Until Next time,
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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