Tuesday, September 29, 2009

She's a poet!

So the yard sale went good, we got rid a lot of stuff (main goal) and made a little cash as well.

Sunday we headed to another base so N could get some uniform things that we can't get down here and that night we went and celebrated a friends birthday at Outback. And now we come to the part where we see why I haven't been on here lately.

Bean woke up Monday morning early with a fever, and has been off and on every day since then. Needless to say, sleep is not coming easily. Nathan and I were able switch around hours, but it looks like tomorrow, I will have to take the whole day off.

I got my first Math test back and I got an A! Yea for me.

Cat has been making up "stories" as she calls them...here are a few:

My Brother
My brother is very bad sometimes. He is a tattletale. He is crazy like me.

Me and my brother have lots of fun mostly everyday. I laugh a lot at him.

Funny girl, Funny girl

Here is a picture I took when I asked her to pack her lunch:

Geeze, like Cheese It's much?

And here is Bean's creation he bought at the yard sale....

Until Next time,

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I told you so....

So we are now on Cat's 3rd backpack since she went back to school less than a month ago. She was carrying a one shoulder bag, then a messenger bag and now it's back to last years backpack....if only she would have listened to me the first time.geesh.

Biology is done, done, done! I think I got a 88%, teacher has not confirmed that for me yet, shoot, I was lucky to get out of there with a passing grade I think. Math is going....still have 3 months left in that one.

This Saturday we are participating in a base community sale. Purge, purge, purge! I straightened up 2 corners of the garage today...only 99% more to go!

Not much else going on, just same ol, same ol!

Until Next time,

Thursday, September 17, 2009


My poor kids...so much for a diary of their lives.

"Dear Children, Mommy was very busy during the week of September 13, 2009 and that is why there is not much to tell you about what went on!"

I have one test and a book report and I will be done with my Bio class...I hope to squeez an A out of it, but we shall see. My first Math test was supposed to be last nite, but it was cancelled. So now I have to retain everything until Monday.

Ran a bunch of errands yesterday, got plastic bins to transfer stuff out of boxes in the garage for easier transporting and so it looks pretty! Only took 3 years.

This morning I went to get the kids up and Bean was in Cat's bed and I asked how that happened and Cat said, "We had a plan, after you and Daddy went to sleep, he came in bed with me because he was scared. I thought of it." You would never know she is first born would ya?!

Yesterday, I bought my new nephew 2 pairs of shoes...yes I am starting him early and sharing my love with him...say it with me...Best.Aunt.Ever!

This weekend, I will be finishing up Bio and working in the garage, (hopefully)

I also need to get some pics on here!

Until Next time,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Short and Sweet

  • Got my pedi, ended up with half an eyebrow as well (geesh)
  • crazy week; Biology is finishing, I have 1 test and 1 book report due by Sunday.
  • First Math test on Wednesday
  • Christmas cards are in hand, ready to be mailed out by end of November/early December!
  • Slowly cleaning out garage...PURGE is the word
  • Cat asked N and I tonite, "Were you born in the back when?"...that girl cracks me up
It's late and I'm beat..

Until Next time,

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11

Found this while looking for something to post today and found these quotes and thought it was appropriate for today....

American Reaction___________________________________

"Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger.--George W. Bush

War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. This nation is peaceful, but fierce when stirred to anger. This conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others. It will end in a way, and at an hour, of our choosing. --George W. Bush, Speech at National Cathedral, September 14, 2001

How do I respond when I see that in some Islamic countries there is vitriolic hatred for America? I'll tell you how I respond: I'm amazed. I'm amazed that there is such misunderstanding of what our country is about, that people would hate us. I am, I am -- like most Americans, I just can't believe it. Because I know how good we are, and we've go to do a better job of making our case. We've got to do a better job of explaining to the people in the Middle East, for example, that we don't fight a war against Islam or Muslims. We don't hold any religion accountable. We're fighting evil. And these murderers have hijacked a great religion in order to justify their evil deeds. And we cannot let it stand. --George W. Bush, press conference

It will not be quick and it will not be easy. Our adversaries are not one or two terrorist leaders, or even a single terrorist organization or network. It's a broad network of individuals and organizations that are determined to terrorize and, in so doing, to deny us the very essence of what we are: free people. They don't live in Antarctica. They work, they train and they plan in countries. They're benefiting from the support of governments. They're benefiting from the support of non-governmental organizations that are either actively supporting them with money, intelligence and weapons or allowing them to function on their territory and tolerating if not encouraging their activities. In either case, it has to stop. We'll have to deal with the networks. One of the ways to do that is to drain the swamp they live in. And that means dealing not only with the terrorists, but those who harbor terrorists. This will take a long, sustained effort. It will require the support of the American people as well as our friends and allies around the world. --Donald Rumsfeld, Press Briefing, September 18, 2001

As the representatives of the people we are here to declare that our resolve has not been weakened by these horrific and cowardly acts.--Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle

We're going to find out who did this and we're going after the bastards.--Sen. Orrin Hatch

"I fully support President Bush's decision to strike Al Qaeda's terrorist network. Now more than ever, we must stand united as a nation and support our President and our military. It is important to remember that this carefully targeted response is not an attack on a religion, nor a nation, but an attack on terrorism. In Congress, we will continue to work with the White House to do what's needed to bring justice to those who committed the heinous and evil attacks of September 11." --Tom Harkin

"The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost nearly a thousand miles from here. But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the heart of America. And standing here in the heartland of America, we say in one voice � We will not give in to terrorists;We will not rest until they are found and defeated; We will win this struggle � not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom, and for peace; So help us God." --Tom Harkin

"You can be sure that the American spirit will prevail over this tragedy." --Colin Powell

A few months ago, and again this week, bin Laden publicly vowed to publicly wage a terrorist war against America, saying, and I quote, "We do not differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians. They're all targets." Their mission is murder, and their history is bloody. --then President Bill Clinton

"All of a sudden there were people screaming. I saw people jumping out of the building. Their arms were flailing. I stopped taking pictures and started crying." --Michael Walters, a free-lance photo journalist in Manhattan.

"The city is going to survive, we are going to get through it, It's going to be very, very difficult time. I don't think we yet know the pain that we're going to feel when we find out who we lost, but the thing we have to focus on now is getting this city through this, and surviving and being stronger for it." --Rudolph Giuliani

International Reaction___________________________________

The full horror of what has happened in the United States earlier today is now becoming clearer. It is hard even to contemplate the utter carnage and terror which has engulfed so many innocent people. We've offered President Bush and the American people our solidarity, our profound sympathy, and our prayers. But it is plain that citizens of many countries round the world, including Britain, will have been caught up in this terror. --British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Interview, September 11, 2001.

So what do we do?Don't overreact some say. We aren't.We haven't lashed out. No missiles on the first night just for effect.Don't kill innocent people. We are not the ones who waged war on the innocent. We seek the guilty.Look for a diplomatic solution. There is no diplomacy with Bin Laden or the Taliban regime. State an ultimatum and get their response. We stated the ultimatum; they haven't responded. Understand the causes of terror. Yes, we should try, but let there be no moral ambiguity about this: nothing could ever justify the events of 11 September, and it is to turn justice on its head to pretend it could.The action we take will be proportionate; targeted; we will do all we humanly can to avoid civilian casualties. But understand what we are dealing with. Listen to the calls of those passengers on the planes. Think of the children on them, told they were going to die. Think of the cruelty beyond our comprehension as amongst the screams and the anguish of the innocent, those hijackers drove at full throttle planes laden with fuel into buildings where tens of thousands worked.They have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000 does anyone doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it? There is no compromise possible with such people, no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror.Just a choice: defeat it or be defeated by it. And defeat it we must.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair

Any action taken will be against the terrorist network of Bin Laden.... As for the Taleban, they can surrender the terrorists or face the consequences - and again in any action the aim will be to eliminate their military hardware, cut off their finances, disrupt their supplies, target their troops, not civilians.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair

We will put a trap around the regime and I say to the Taleban: Surrender the terrorists or surrender power. It's your choice.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair

America has its faults as a society, as we have ours.But I think of the Union of America born out of the defeat of slavery. I think of its Constitution, with its inalienable rights granted to every citizen still a model for the world. I think of a black man, born in poverty, who became chief of their armed forces and is now secretary of state Colin Powell and I wonder frankly whether such a thing could have happened here. I think of the Statue of Liberty and how many refugees, migrants and the impoverished passed its light and felt that if not for them, for their children, a new world could indeed be theirs. I think of a country where people who do well, don't have questions asked about their accent, their class, their beginnings but have admiration for what they have done and the success they've achieved. I think of those New Yorkers I met, still in shock, but resolute; the fire fighters and police, mourning their comrades but still head held high.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair

As for those that carried out these attacks there are no adequate words of condemnation. Their barbarism will stand as their shame for all eternity.--British Prime Minister Tony Blair

It is with enormous distress that France has just learned of the monstrous attacks�there is no other word for it�that have just struck the United States of America. In these horrifying circumstances, the entire people of France, and I want to emphasize this, stand by the people of America. They express their friendship and solidarity in this tragedy. Naturally, I want to assure President Bush of my total support. France, as you know, has always condemned and unreservedly condemns terrorism, and considers that terrorism must be combated by all possible means. --French President Jacques Chirac, September 11, 2001.

It was with horror that I learned of the abominable terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington in which so many innocent people have lost their lives. My government staunchly condemns these acts of terrorism. The German people are at the side of the United States of America in this difficult hour. I wish to express my deep-felt condolences and complete solidarity to you and the American people. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. --German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, September 11, 2001.

I was stricken by news and television pictures coming from the United States this morning. It is impossible to fully comprehend the evil that would have conjured up such a cowardly and depraved assault upon thousands of innocent people. There can be no cause or grievance that could ever justify such unspeakable violence. Indeed, such an attack is an assault not only on the targets but an offense against the freedom and rights of all civilized nations. --Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chr�tien , September 11, 2001

This morning we were notified about the horrible news of the series of terrorist attacks in the United States, that have left a great trail of destruction. Mexico expresses its condolences to the Government and the American people for the irreparable human losses. We also express our energetic condemnation to these attacks. I have informed President George Bush of our feelings of sorrow and our solidarity in such difficult moments. --Mexican President Vicente Fox, , September 11, 2001.

Shocked to learn of the serious attacks against certain areas in New York City and Washington D.C. on September 11, which caused horrendous casualty, I wish to express, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people, our deepest sympathy and solicitude to you and, through you, to the Government and people of the United States. I wish also to extend our condolences to the families of the victims. The Chinese Government has consistently condemned and rejected all forms of terrorist violence. --Chinese President Jiang Zemin, September 11, 2001.

The United States today faced an unprecedented act of aggression on the part of international terrorism. First of all, I express sincere and profound condolences to all the victims and the families of the dead. The event that occurred in the US today goes beyond national borders. It is a brazen challenge to the whole humanity, at least to civilized humanity. And what happened today is added proof of the relevance of the Russian proposal to pool the efforts of the international community in the struggle against terrorism, that plague of the 21st century. Russia knows at first hand what terrorism is. So, we understand as well as anyone the feelings of the American people. Addressing the people of the United States on behalf of Russia I would like to say that we are with you, we entirely and fully share and experience your pain. We support you. --Russian President Valdimir Putin, September 12, 2001.

We take it so close to heart because we all know what it is. Points of contention between the United States and Russia seem like minor disputes between neighbors that fade in the face of such great sorrow, which unites people.--Valentina Nikitina, Russian economist

The whole international community will be united in condemning what they have done.--Nato Secretary General Lord Robertson

Our eventual aim is simply stated - that there should be no safe haven for terrorists anywhere in the world. We say to the people of Afghanistan: 'You have been ill served by those who have made your country a centre for terrorism across the world. As soon as this stops, the world will work with you to build a better future for you and for your children.--Jack Straw, British foreign secretary

The cause of the attack was not American foreign policy but an amoral disregard for human life.It is grotesque to suggest that a four-year-old girl, making her first and only flight in an aeroplane, should somehow bear responsibility for the actions of a government for whom she was never allowed the chance to grow up and vote either for or against.--Menzies Campbell, British Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman

Happy Birthday to my Favorite Mother In Law~And Happy Anniversary to my inlaws as well!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Up to Speed

Let's see...went to Wilmington for Labor Day weekend.....rainy, rainy and more rainy. N and I did manage to catch a movie, GI Joe....yuk. I also got started on my Christmas shopping! Which led me to order Christmas cards yesterday and got the kids' Halloween Costumes ordered. Optimus Prime for Bean and Hannah Montanta for Cat.

School tonite and my biology class is wrapping up...still have 2 tests and an Book Report due by the 20th.

Things are progressing for our next chapter...slowly, should have more information by next week. We are debating DW for Spring Break w/the kids as a last hurrah and we also bought tickets for Trans Siberian Orchestra for a present for the neighborhood gang.

I become an aunt today as well!

School is busy, work is busy, home is busy!

Until Next time,

Friday, September 4, 2009

I love it when this happens!

A picture I took today:

My devotion for today:

Einstein’s God
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DOWNLOAD: DownloadREAD: Psalm 19:1-6
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. —Psalm 19:1
When the great physicist Albert Einstein was asked if he believed in God, he responded: “We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. . . . That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human beings toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws.” Although Einstein marveled at the design he saw in nature, he did not believe in a personal Creator.The psalmist shared Einstein’s sense of awe about nature but took the next step and believed in the Designer behind the design: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork” (Ps. 19:1).
The wonder we feel as we behold our universe should serve as a road sign pointing to the One who created it. The Scriptures tell us, “All things were made through [Christ], and without Him nothing was made that was made” (John 1:3).
Are you struggling in your beliefs? Look up at the stars tonight. In the sky is crafted an amazing road sign pointing to the Designer behind the design. —Dennis Fisher
God wrote His autograph Upon the sky last night, In the stars I never saw A signature so bright! —Schoeberlein
Creation’s design points to the Master Designer.

Until Next time,

Thursday, September 3, 2009


1. Cat yelled at her brother this monring, " you're supposed to turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth to help save the Earth!"

2. I think I have finally figured out the flow of my two classes when I have 2.5 weeks left in one!

3. I love this stuff....

I may or may have not bought 6 bottles from Sams....they were on clearance!

4. Big changes are in store for us....hear me now, Ask and you shall receive....just not in the manner you thought was best!

This weekend we are headed to the beach and I have a book report to get crackin on.

Until Next time,