Man...its been awhile.
Lets see a quick recap.
Went to IHOP and shopping last Friday with N, which was nice until we got a call from the teacher saying Bean was, N picked him up and I went grocery shoppin. N's parents came in on Saturday, I had left to go shopping in the big city before meeting everyone met at the fair for the day.
Went to the fair, cold, wet and rainy. I may or may have not tried; chocolate covered bacon, deep fried pickels, deep fried snickers bar, candy apple, fudge, Pappy's Old Fashion Soda...I do have some pics to put up from the other camera. After the fair, we went to dinner and saw Couples Retreat.
Sunday we went to Cracker that place. Bean finally felt better this week. Today is dress up like what you want to be when you grow up at your school day....

(Dont ask how much it cost to overnight....I mean really....there's your college educaiton kid!)
Last night we were looking for one more piece for Cats costume (Hannah Montana) and we ran into JCP, and they were having a great sale. Got her church dresses that she badly needed and found a shirt for $2....little did I know about this shirt and her. It's like long lost sisters that have found each other again. She wants to never take it off, wants to frame it on her wall or carry it in her purse when she's too big and then she said he wants to be buried with it....are you ready??

Yep..that's it!
We are on road trip this weekend, will be back with Halloween Pics!
Until next time,