What a weekend!
Saturday, N took the kids to the beach for the whole day! 9am-9pm. It was wonderful...I got my belated Mother's Day pedicure, watched a chick flick, did 2 loads of laundry, mowed the front yard (I felt guilty) and did a little shopping and decorating for the house and got ready for Busch Gardens.
Sunday, we left a 615am, picked up our neighbor and her baby and hit the road for the 3 hour drive. Type A me wanted to get there at 930 to beat the crowds. We ended up getting there at about 1010, parking line was long, but we were able to get our tickets (free for military!) and walk into the park without much trouble. The lines were not as bad as I had expected, only one ride had an hour wait that we didn't ride, but other than that, 15-20 min if that for the rides. Kids had fun and loved the bumper cars best, as they talked N into making an hour trek back to them before we left as it was raining. Bean rode Pompei again but got scared of the fire. My friend and I waited in the world's longest Funnel cake line, but it was devine!
Monday, we visited the VA Kohls, ate at Cracker Barrel and drove home and were back by 3. It was a very good relaxing 3 day weekend.
This weekend we are going to MD to visit N's brother and sister in law. I also got signed up for my classes that begin in August and my to clean out list is getting longer~
I will post pics later as I have them on the other computer.
Until next time,
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago