Friday, July 31, 2009
Full Disclsoure
Thank you, thank you very much.
Today I have a my hot lunch date and we may go to the beach tomorrow. I got a new camera, and have been practicing, I will have to post some of them.
Until Next time,
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Good News!
I also didn't take the kids to VBS this week, so the garage? Still the same scary hole...maybe one day; we've only been here for 3 years..geesh.
Today is grocery shopping and chillaxin.
Until Next time,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Been Awhile....
Last Weekend; Saturday was the big party with N and his crew. It went well, there were 2 tornadoes near us, but we played Wiffle Ball (and by we, I mean they), Apples to Apples and the Wii and then on Sunday, we had our neighbors over and even surprised the birthday girl w/a Cold Stone Cake!
This week at the new girl has started far so good, I'm getting a half day on Friday and N and I are meeting for lunch since he is working nights this week and we see each other barely.
This weekend, my friends and I are going to see The Ugly Truth and I have some cleaning to do...blah.
Sorry so short! I'm pooped!
Until Next time,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
It's a snake! or not
This was my first view and I took it upon myself to announce to the family that we had a snake.
Then the animal specialist, errr, sound mind, N came to the resuce and found legs on such creature!
Honestly though, not a fan of these snake looking creatures...even Cat said that lizard was not a very pretty color.
On tap for the rest of the week; getting ready for a work party for N, although he tells me I don't have to lift a finger, I am a little crazy like helpful, so I am getting stuff for that and then next week is another VBS for the kids and a friends bday. We are going out to dinner Tuesday, then Friday to see The Ugly Truth and dinner while the men watch the goal is while the kids are at VBS next week to s.l.o.w.l.y clean the garage....anyone need a entertainment center? grill? blazer? I'm your gal!
I would like to wish my Mom a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ Love you! (What? You're turning 40!)
Until Next Time,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Out of the mouths of babes....
Conversation w/ Cat this morning
Cat-"Mom, you know how if you point your middle finger it's bad?"
Me-"Yes, why?"
Cat-"Is it bad to point my middle toe too?"
This morning it was foggy and Cat said, " Look it's froggy!"
I can't make this stuff up!
I am currently researching SLR cameras, I would like to get one soon, I'm becoming more interested in photos since entering blog land.
I bought the Wii Fit and yesterday it told me to lay off the afternoon snacks?! How does it know?
Until Next time,
Monday, July 20, 2009
In Memory
So this weekend was pretty much following the online paper and waiting for any additional information.
Until Next time,
Friday, July 17, 2009
Nature Walk
There were 2 of them and they were awesome! Then on the way back in, I spotted this creature:
On tap for this weekend is sleeping in (yea!), birthday party for a neighbors daughter, church, maybe Kohls? and relaxing. I have to get back into Math practice before next month and we booked our Myrtle Beach weekend...
Until Next time,
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Perfume or Parfum??
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Had 2 snow cones as well over the weekend and they were w/ cream and the other with marshmellow. I like the ice at the place with cream, but wish they had marshmellow.
Bean told me last night that the reason he talks when I tell him to go to bed is because he can't breathe if he isn't talking....hmmm. His teacher told me yesterday that he is so well behaved with great manners and just a great kid during the day! For which I am glad, but maybe he runs out of all of that when I get him?!
Not much this week, working and cleaning.
2 weeks is another VBS at the church we have been attending for a little while, this one goes until 9pm, so we shall see how long the kids hold out.
In August we are planning to go the Myrtle Beach and I start my classes and take my placement test for Math...bleh!
Great weather today!
Until Next time,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Thursday night we headed up to Maryland and I was surprised at the traffic that wasn't there on our way up. Friday morning we headed to Annapolis and the Naval Academy.
Sunday, we woke up stood in line for Dunkin Donuts, then checked out of our hotel and went jet skiing. All the couples shared a jet ski....N was tame...somewhat, but I held on! We had a waterproof camera that hopefully we got some good shots on.

Then after lunch we headed home, again traffic was terrible, took about 5 hours, then we picked up the kids, and got back on the road to get back to NC. I only got turned around twice and we made it back by 130am.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
OC Baby!
Be back on Monday,
HAPPY FOURTH! Let's not forget the reason we celebrate!
Until next time,