Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Soup or Pie?

Last nite I was all Betty Homemaker and made a pumpkin pie...

it was supposed to be this:

But came out like this:

Even the whipped cream in a can, was all soupy...what in the world! Oh well, I still ate it and N said it was good, just gooey.
My Math final is tomorrow nite, hopefully I can maintain my A after that! Couple of errands to run before Sun and then off for Christmas Vacation.....a lot coming up as well. Trips in January, February, April, and July....geesh!
Until Next time,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Things I am thankful for....humorous holiday edition

1. That Zhu Zhu pets are in fact not toxic and a certain little girl will be able to enjoy the 2 pets, 1 hamster bed/carrier, 2 tutus and a hamster house come Christmas morning....rather than a certain mother trying to figure out another use for said items since the certain little girls college education was spent in trying to gather such items

2. That I had extra Christmas cards laying around as I got an unexpected one today...although I did not check off to whom I sent Christmas cards to; so it's a grab bag to see who ends up with one, two or none!

3. That I have 3 Math classes left until a break; a short one, but a break nonetheless

4. That the kids enjoy the little neighborhood errands I send them on....without knowing the reason I do it is to have 5 more minutes of peace and they achieve some sort of exercise

5. That the kids' bus driver has not scratched us off as one of her stops, as the kids; may or may not have to run outside just in the nick of time to catch her every.single.morning....hopefully the Starbuck's gift card at Christmas will make up for it

6. That I was able to eat at IHOP twice this past weekend and not gain an ounce...it's true!
Eggnog pancakes and Pumpkin pancakes are awesome

7. That I was able to locate a new lip product that I have been on the hunt for....it's the little things I tell you...bought 2 to try...$3 a pop and seem to be in every magazine I read

This week we have N's Christmas party (fashion show dress to make an appearance) and a surprise going away,

Until Next time,
Until Next time,

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm still kickin!

Hello, my name is Suzanne and I have a blog. I have not visited said blog in awhile...all my preparation for the season wasn't quite enough and the blog fell to the way side.

Recap Time!!
We celebrated Bean's birthday at Chuck E Cheese in November...

Had Thanksgiving at my in-laws and me, Cat and my mom in law went to NYC! Had fun with shopping and taking Cat the see some sights, even got a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty!

What you don't see in the pictures is the drive home which was double the usual travel time, the rude Wendy's employee (excuse me for asking for it to go!) and Cat with a cough and started tears in M&M's world.

This week has been non stop as well; Mon was class (almost done!), Tues was a banquet for N's work, last night was TSO with our good friends...

I am trying to get my Christmas cards out this week, all presents have been bought, wrapped and shipped and we have another adventure coming up. Next week is N's Christmas party as well.
Until Next time,