Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My family and I sponsor a little boy named Ajoy in India through Compassion. A group of bloggers are in India right now with Compassion and I so wish I could be there to meet Ajoy.

Here is one of the bloggers posts about the trip.

Until Next time,

Friday, April 24, 2009


It's supposed to be nice weather this weekend...I'm hoping to get some yard work done.

Tonight is a bday party/going away for one of our close friend, tomorrow a friend and I are going to Raleigh and the pickle festival is in town, we might go to that after church on Sunday.

Beans first game is next week and I have 3 weeks left on my semester!

Until next time,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Cat on our last nite...making friends w/ Abuelo

Me and my former co-workers

Me and a college friend...where I got my daughter's name from

We had a good trip. Saw lots of friends, went to the Aquarium, got to spend Easter w/ my family, caught up on eating out at restaurants, saw more movies (3) than I probably have in the last year, enjoyed some pool time... Thanks Mom and Les!

Now it's T-ball, finishing up the semester...

Until Next time,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We are back and once I finish unpacking, getting non sour milk, I will post some pictures.

I did want to write down what Bean has said the last couple of days before I forget them though.

We were driving home from the airport, and I mentioned that my wallet and stomach needed a break and Bean said "Why don't you just have a tums?"

Then today, N is taking him for his heart checkup and he ask him why we said "Oh Man" when we were done praying....too cute!

Until next time,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Exercise Motivation

When your 8 year old tells you, "Mom, your stomach is big enough for another baby, you should have one."


Until Next time,

Monday, April 6, 2009


Here are some pics from the weekend; it was a nice little getaway...only about 2 hours away. Kids had fun looking for birds and discovering dominoes.

Me and baby N...

Old Lighthouse...we went in it; kinda scary

The husbands (they match a lot!)

On tap for this week; tonight I have to finish (start) an essay test that is due at midnight, tomorrow is t-ball and little bit of grocery shopping, then we are off to the airport on Friday!

Back to packing and homework and making sure Bean didn't zip his sister in the suitcase again.

Until Next time,

Friday, April 3, 2009


Just recently arranged for a quick getaway this weekend with some friends to a B&B about 2 hours away. Weather is supposed to be great and I am looking forward to it. Finished the cleaning and took one of two test and did some more packing...

Will post pics when I get back!

Until next time,


Here are some from the past weekend. The kids and cousin...some pics of the room where we stayed and a group shot w/ N's high school friends and their families.
Hope to get cleaning done this weekend and get my tests out of the way and maybe even pack a little~

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Pictures are still to come; but wanted to share Cat's night last night.

She woke up crying and upset. N went in there to see what as wrong and I woke up this morning and she was on the couch sleeping. I asked her what happened and she said she had a bad dream so I asked her what her dream was about and it's wasn't that someone was hurt or that she was was that she was getting fat! She's only 8!

Until next time,