Since I'm getting behind again, here is a week catch up for so far....
This past weekend, everyone was sick so we took it easy. Saturday, I ran errands and Sunday we had our neighbors over to watch the Ravens game.
Good game and I used the
MM Sandwich from Pioneer Woman and it didn't turn out too bad! While the neighbors were over, we all exchanged all the photos we had of times together, I may or may not have accidently deleted the ones we had. N was none too pleased, thankfully we were able to recover them and I am now able to sleep inside!
So if I had to pick a word for 2010, it would be goodbye. Those people that are closest to me will be moving, leaving for awhile and turning my world upside down this year. One of our close couple friends/neighbors are moving to Idaho this week and the girls got together at a favorite dinner place. We stayed for 3 hours and closed it down! I had a great time, I tried to keep the bittersweet feeling in the back of my head and just enjoy the time. I love these girls and I laughed, maybe danced in the middle of the restaurant and ate one or two, ok it was three deep fried oreos!
I will miss her!
I got sprayed with a fire extinguisher tonight and I wasn't even on fire! Tonight was the last flight of our neighbor that is leaving. My first experience and I'm glad I was there. We went out on the flight line and saw him taxi and then he got out and he was sprayed with champagne and the fire extinguisher came out as well. His step-dad was in charge of the fire extinguisher and Zach was able to grab it and turned it in him and the the rest of us that were around the jet....made for a cold, fun night. I will miss them terribly and wish him the best in his next assignment.
Tonight is Bean's basketball practice at 5 pm. We need to leave the house by 430 and the kids don't get off the bus until 345. Needless to say, it's a crazy 45 minutes as I am trying to get them a snack, get them to change, do their homework and throw an outfit for tomorrow out. That was all done, we were getting in the car and I couldn't find my keys. I'm checking my pockets, retracing my steps, looking in the garage, looking in the rooms I had been in and everything. I called N and told him I couldn't find my keys, that we might not be able to make practice, we really needed to be there as the first game is Friday and they were passing out uniforms. As I pulled the kids out of the car and told them we wouldn't be able to make the practice, Bean comes in, opens a drawer and there are my keys. That.he.hid. I mean, we are here and I am teleblogging.
Friday is the basketball game, Saturday, we say goodbye to our neighbors and Saturday night is the Ravens game. I am doing good (so far) maintaining the Math homework, Astronomy starts in March.
A door to door meat salesman (something I for sure didn't see living in AZ) came to my door today...I don't trust the meas and we be scared to feed it to my family, so I never know what to say, I cam up with "We are vegetarians" seemed to work and he left. Later, Cat asked me why I told him we were veternarians!
Until next time,