Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend Recap


Bean's first game of the season!  Tigers won 12-2, he had a great defense move and may have just carried the ball down to the other end of the court, who needs dribbling anyways?!

He's in the center...

Defense move, back right

He's going for the shot!

After the game, we went and bought our local Target out...seriously, we got some great deals on stuff, but man, even my credit card was smokin after that swipe!


We hung around the house, cleaning, me doing Math homework and just sticking around as our friends were leaving the next day and we wanted to be available if they needed anything.  I got some more time with my 2nd favorite N, and we took him to dinner and hung out.  They ended up spending the night and it was a very full, but glad it was house!


They left that morning, and I boo hooed all day long.  N stepped up the plate with breakfast in bed and let me have a in bed morning...very, very nice.  I did end up cleaning more of the garage, but I was still sad most of the day.  I got the 4 girls in our little neighborhood gang matching bracelets that said Friends on them.  Hopefully the bracelets will all be in the same place one day!


Up from 1am-5am with sick Bean.  Poor guy, threw up every hour.  Since today was a holiday, N was home with him while I went to work.  I ended up taking him to the Dr tonight and they said it's just a virus that is going around.  He hasn't thrown up in 7 hours so that is good (TMI, sorry).  N is staying home with him in the morning and I am taking a half day just to make sure he is good to go.

I am studying for Math, first test next week, trying to keep cleaning a little bit at a time (listed a couple of things on Craigslist...hoping it's fruitful!) and keeping myself busy so I can't get sad..not working, but I'm trying!

Until Next time,

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